You can find on this page the Netherlands satellite map to print and to download in PDF. The Netherlands map from satellite presents new pictures of Netherlands as seen from the sky in Europe.

Netherlands satellite map

Map of Netherlands from satellite

The Netherlands satellite map shows new pictures of Netherlands as seen from the sky. This satellite map of Netherlands will allow you to visit the country Netherlands in Europe as seen from the sky. The Netherlands satellite map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Netherlands is a country in Western Europe that is slightly less than twice the size of the U.S. state of New Jersey, covering an area of 41,543 square kilometers and bordering only two countries, Germany and Belgium as its mentioned in Netherlands satellite map. The terrain in the country is mainly coastal lowlands and reclaimed polders with some hills in the southern parts of the country. Netherlands has a mean elevation of 98.5 feet (30 meters) above sea level and the lowest point is -7 meters at Zuidplaspolder, while the highest point is Mount Scenery reaching 2,877 feet (862 meters) above sea level.

The West Frisian Islands as you can see in Netherlands satellite map are a string of low-lying barrier islands in the North Sea. The chain extends northeastward into Germany, where they are called the East Frisian Islands. These islands provide somewhat of a natural flood barrier from the North Sea. People inhabit only five of the West Frisian Islands.

Netherlands is located in North Western Europe, West and North-West coastline the North Sea as its shown in Netherlands satellite map. Mostly coastal lowland and the land reclaimed from sea (polders); low and flat; about half of the surface of the Netherlands is less than 1 m above sea level, and large parts of it (ca 24%) are actually below sea level. Some hills are only in southeast of the country.