You can find on this page the Netherlands population map to print and to download in PDF. The Netherlands population density map presents the number of inhabitants in relation to the country size and the structure of the population of Netherlands in Europe.

Netherlands population density map

Map of Netherlands density

The Netherlands population density map shows the number of inhabitants in relation to Netherlands size. This demographic map of Netherlands will allow you to know demography and structure of the population of Netherlands in Europe. The Netherlands density map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The Netherlands ranks number 69 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population. The population density in the Netherlands is 508 per Km2 (1,316 people per mi2) as its mentioned in Netherlands population density map. The total land area is 33,720 Km2 (13,019 sq. miles). 92.5 % of the population is urban (15,847,281 people in 2020). The median age in the Netherlands is 43.3 years.

With a total size of the Netherlands of 41,500 km2, over 16.5 million people and a population density of 488 people per km2, the Netherlands is the most densely populated country of the European Union and one of the mostly densely populated countries in the world. According to current projections, the Netherlands population is expected to grow until 2034, when it will reach its peak of 17.5 million people as youcan see in Netherlands population density map. The population will begin to decline and will end the century with about 16.78 million people.

The Netherlands is currently growing at a relatively slow rate of 0.22% per year. This growth rate added about 37,742 people to the population density from 2019 to 2020 as its shown in Netherlands population density map. The Netherlands has positive net migration of about 16,000 per year and the fertility rate is relatively low at 1.66 births per woman. The fertility rate is currently below the population replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman. Given this, the population growth is heavily driven by immigration. The Netherlands is receiving many asylum seekers from Syria.