You can find on this page the Netherlands road map to print and to download in PDF. The Netherlands driving map presents the detailed road network, main highways and free motorways of Netherlands in Europe.

Netherlands roads map

Maps of Netherlands roads

The Netherlands road map shows all roads network and main roads of Netherlands. This road map of Netherlands will allow you to preparing your routes and find your routes through the roads of Netherlands in Europe. The Netherlands roads map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

About 90% of Netherlands motorway roads have ZOAB. ZOAB provides that smooth riding, less noisy, water-absorbing road surface that gives the impression that the roads are very well maintained. Dutch government spends €5,5 billion a year (as of 2017) on roads, the railway and waterways. €3.4 billion of that is spend on roads as its mentioned in Netherlands roads map. There is 125.575 km of roads in the Netherlands, so that amounts to €27000/km.

The road signs are very clear, which makes driving a car in Netherlands very safe. Another advantage is that Netherlands has just two toll roads: the Western Scheldt Tunnel and Dordtse Kil. The roads are lined with speed camera detectors and the police monitor roads on a regular basis as well. More than 33,000km of Netherlands roads are dedicated to cycling infrastructure as you can see in Netherlands roads map.

139,124 kilometers of roads crisscross the Netherlands, including 3,654 kilometers of motorways as its shown in Netherlands roads map. In 2018, lorries transported 680 million tons of goods nationally in the Netherlands or internationally through the Netherlands. Amongst one of many initiatives to create more eco-friendly transportation in the Netherlands Dutch roads are outfitted with solar panels to generate energy.

Netherlands highway map

Maps of Netherlands motorways

The Netherlands highway map shows toll and free motorways of Netherlands. This highways map of Netherlands will allow you to prepare your routes on motorways of Netherlands in Europe. The Netherlands highway map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The Netherlands has one of the most dense highway networks in the world. A highway was made to quickly get from A to B. But breaks should be part of long trips, and just to stretch your legs and eat or drink something, you should take a fifteen minute rest at least every two hours. The A6 highway as its shown in Netherlands highway map runs from Muiderberg near Amsterdam via Flevoland and the North-East Polder to Joure in Friesland. About halfway you get exit 13: Urk.

The speed limit on Dutch highways is down to 100 kilometers per hour — one of the lowest in all of Europe. The government was not eager to impose the measure, but high nitrogen oxide levels nationwide left no choice. The Netherlands has introduced one of the strictest speed limits in the world. Beginning on Monday, a speed limit of 100 kph (62 mph) applies on highways across the country during the day as its mentioned in Netherlands highway map. Between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., drivers can increase their speed up to 130 kph on designated sections of the road.

Fugro will work on a three-year contract on the widening of the A9 highway in the Netherlands. The firm contract covers geotechnical and design work for the A9 highway upgrade and expansion project. In addition to geotechnical ground investigation work, Fugro will provide geotechnical design for all civil structures. This includes ground-retaining walls and earthworks for widening the highway. The A9 project as you can see in Netherlands highway map is for the widening of 10km of existing highway between the Holendrecht and Badhoevedorp junctions. It includes a deep cutting nearly 2km long.